Response to our stories

I read both stories and found that I could relate to both stories in so many ways. I resonated with the feelings of failure, the judgement and isolation, the constant questioning of myself and the constant efforts it took to try to regulate my autistic ADHD children, the lack of understanding from others, even family.

It was honestly very triggering reading these stories, it made me want to cry after having to live in survival for so many years. So much stood out for me.. "I often feel physically and emotionally drained and for a long time I felt isolated until I found close friends who also had neurodivergent children. With them I feel I can speak openly without judgement".

This was me also. I also related to having to put my own ambitions for further study and even work on hold time and time again to be there for my children and the desire for them to learn the strategies to cope and manage their own emotions and regulation.

Reading both these stories definitely took me back to when they were toddlers and I was at a complete loss as to how to manage and blamed myself for all their behaviour for many years. It really took a lot to shift my guilt and it was a game changer when it did.

It is amazing how similar my beliefs about myself and the effect others judgements towards me and my children impacted me.

It did help me reading this to realise how far you both have come and also made me reflect that I also have had such s similar journey and have also come further than I realised or gave myself credit for.

Thankyou for sharing your stories. I endeavour to submit one of my own in response to the same questions soon. I feel encouraged and excited to be able to share this journey in this way. It is unique and I really hope i can get to meet you all and get to know you and hear more of your amazing stories of struggle, perseverance and all the little wins along the way.


letter to the group


Blog Post Title Four